Saturday, 19 January 2013

Rules and Policies

Proposed Rules for the Maple Clan
by MagneticDuck

  I've been thinking about this for a few days now, and
 I think I've come to a final conclusion as to the rules 
that we should hold and the power we should use to enforce
 them. The first section of this document embodies the 
'three general rules' that I propose to use in place of
 the former 9 rules of this clan. I have designed them 
with simplicity and funcionality in mind. In section two,
 I have included a basic interpretation of the rules using
 as umanbiguous language as possible, as well as a 
few examples for actions that comply and do not comply
 with each one. Finally, in the third section, I express 
my ideas on what power we should put behind these rules to enforce them, as sometimes honor is not enough.

In the following sections :
  The Clan is the Clan maple and the set of its members and resources.
  The Maple is any and every member in the Clan.
  The term 'unlawful' describes an action that does not abide to the rules.

Section 1 : The Three Rules
  Rule 1 :
    Hear well!
    (The Clan must provide an audience to any entity that does the same to the Clan.)
  Rule 2 :
    Speak Well!
    (The Maple has the right and obligation to speak freely and speak honestly.)
  Rule 3 :
    Do Well!
    (The Maple and the Clan must give due respect to all individuals and entities.)

Section 2 : Interpretations
  Rule 1 :
    In Other Words
      The Clan must provide an audience to ...
        The Clan must HEAR and REASON with ...
      ... any entity that does the same to the Clan.
        ... any group or person who will also HEAR and REASON with the Clan.
    Some Examples
      If a person thinks that the Clan is disrespecting his own clan ...
        under Rule 1, the Clan must discuss the problem with that person, given he will discuss it productively with us
      If we are kicking somebody who doesn't think he should be kicked ...
        under Rule 1, we have the obligation to discuss the reason with the person in question, giving he will discuss it productively with us
      If somebody is simply flaming the Clan or Maple, we don't have to provide him an audience (we can ignore him) if he won't discuss it productively
  Rule 2 :
    In Other Words
      The Maple has the right and obligation to ...
        Every member of the clan can and must ...
      ... speak freely and speak honestly.
        ... speak whatever he thinks he should say, speak his true thoughts and knowledge, and to be sincere.
    Some Examples
      If a Maple thinks that something in the clan should be changed, it is by no means discouraged that he speak his mind.
      A Maple who speaks blatantly dishonestly (lies) is breaking a Rule.
      A Maple who speaks an untrue statement unknowingly is not breaking a rule.
      A Maple who speaks an untrue statement during a game to trip up the other team is not breaking a rule.
      A Maple who speaks a small unharmful lie or a white lie is not breaking a rule.
  Rule 3 :
    In Other Words
      The Maple and the Clan must ...
        Everybody in the Clan and the action of the Clan must ...
      ... give due respect ...         
        ... give as much respect* as possible without counteracting another lawful objective ...
      ... to all individuals and entities.
        ... to ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE, no matter what race, age, sex, or language.
    * What's Respect?
      RESPECT is to act in such a way that their basic rights to work, to play, and to hold their own views without being unneedlessly harassed are not taken away.
      RESPECT is to treat people in the way they expect to be treated.
      RESPECT is to treat another person with dignity.
      In a choice between two actions, each disrespecting one group yet respecting another, the Maple can choose between the two using his judgment.
      It must be made unbaisedly and with respect to the damage and benifit of each group.
      In some cases, it may be decided that one of the choices is unlawful, if it's obvious that one group ends up much worse off.
    Some Examples
      A Maple who spams the chat to the extent that it is obscuring communication among other individuals is breaking a rule.
      A Maple who calls somebody names un-needlessly is breaking a rule.
      A Maple who calls somebody a 'nigga', for example, if the person in question does not enjoy it, is breaking a rule
      A Maple who disrespects a troll and tries to make it difficult or not fun for them to play is NOT breaking a rule because:
        to respect the troll would be to counteract their overriding objective (SPECIAL NOTE) to get the troll out of the game, an action respectful to everyone else playing
Section 3 : Enforcing the Rules
  Every Maple is obliged to read this document and if they feel that they do not fully understand some part, they should discuss it with me or another Maple.
  To file a case, a Maple is obliged to compile evidence in his favor and provide a description of what rule(s) was(were) broken, by whom, and how.
  A universal and anonymous vote is called 2 days after the case is put forward.
  If the majority vote that the Maple in question is guilty of the charge, then the Maple is guilty
  Two cases cannot be filed on the same event, but two cases can be pressed on the same Maple simultaneously, if they regard different events.
  Idea: perhaps after 3 guilty charges within a certain period of time, the Maple gets suspended?



  1. I heard you were still developing these rules.. so here are some suggestions based on my current interpretation of them.

    Don't you think we should have a rules about respecting non-maples? Atm, this kind of encourages a tense atmosphere between maples and non-maples, which is unnecessary. Furthermore, I think replacing anti-maples with 'non-maples' in our language is a good idea; just because they're not part of our clan doesn't mean they're our opposite. The world isn't black and white (mostly).

    Another idea: why do we all have to agree with each other? If a maple vote kicks somebody, and we don't agree, I think we ought to have our own say in it. That all maples have to be united in their views and actions doesn't really make much sense. That kind of rule breeds dogmas and muddled thinking. >_>

    Finally, how about we make the rule list a bit shorter? At the moment, these rules are specialized to teeworlds.. don't you think these rules should be applicable to life? And remember, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"

    1. For the first suggestion about respecting non-maple , I will make a modification about being respectful to the people who have a clear opposition with the Clan and its actions. If you think the distinction between anti-maple and non-maple is important well i'll change it without any problem.

      I think the part where we support eachother is important ; If people in the clan start opposing eachother, it might start tensions between members and then it will cause other problems. And the reasons why somebody votekicks someone else must be following the rules that I have written with the comitee so all Maple should be agreeing. It is basically getting rid of people causing us trouble, so we can keep enjoying ourselves.

      Personally I don't really have the time to shorten it, if you volunteer to write down a simple version of the current roles and policies well be my guest :).

      Thanks for giving out your opinion , it is always welcomed.

  2. Awesome! I think I like this clan.

    And yeah, I might write a simple version of the policies to contribute if I have time. It wouldn't be a radical modification on the current rules though; just a simplification.

  3. Here are my new rules, with lots of typos and grammatical problems. I seem to have forgotten English. No matter though, you should be able to understand them. Note that they might look like a lot, but really there are only three rules: Speak well, Hear well, and Do well. The rest is information on their interpretation.


  5. Thanks for abopting the rules, also note that the link I posted above contains the dynamic version of the file; it can change around a bit. Therefore, I reccomend that you check the dynamic verison of the file every once and a while to see if you really want to abopt the new versions.
